Victoria Eymard
M.A. in Journalism
Multi-Media Journalist, News Producer, and Media Professional
UGA ’23

Use the tabs at the top of the page to better get to know me and view my work!
Victoria Eymard
M.A. in Journalism
Multi-Media Journalist, News Producer, and Media Professional
UGA ’23
Use the tabs at the top of the page to better get to know me and view my work!
I’m Victoria Eymard, a communications and journalism professional. I currently work as a lifestyle daily show producer in Savannah, GA. However, I also have experience in newscast producing, social media development, and reporting.
I earned an M.A. in Journalism at the University of Georgia, as well as a certificate in New Media. I also have skills training in marketing, hospitality, and graphic design. Professionally, my goal is to one day combine my communications skills and love for hospitality in one role.
For a more detailed look at my experience, please check out my resume at the link below!